Many retailers are looking at polished concrete flooring as an essential part of clean design after the pandemic.
Post-COVID-19, retailers will still need to be careful in a more germ-aware world, as customers want to be reassured the stores they shop in are clean and hygienic.
Shops have invested in safety, cleanliness and hygiene facilities to prevent the spread of COVID-19, including contactless payments, limiting store occupancy, wearing PPE face masks, plexiglass barriers and social distancing. After the pandemic is over, not all of these precautions will be removed.
According to the website
“Given the vulnerability that the pandemic showed in the year 2020, it should be no surprise that retailers are looking at ways to ensure they are ready to create a more careful and considerate store.”
Many store owners are focusing on cleaner design to reassure consumers that their stores are virus-free. They want their stores to look clean, and be easier to clean. This is why polished concrete flooring, being easy to maintain, is forecast to become more common by
It is not only retail stores that can benefit from hygienic concrete flooring. Food processing and preparation areas have long used concrete flooring coated with protective substances to prevent contamination, and make surface non-slip to stop workers have accidents on spilt liquids.
Floor cleaning experts recommend a scrubber dryer machine and appropriate chemical cleaning solutions to clean concrete floors and keep them free from germs and viruses.
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